Galactic Messages

Trance Channeling: Bridging Realms

What is Trance Channeling? Trance channeling, sometimes names Trance Mediumship is a profound form of spiritual communication where an individual, known as a channel or medium, enters a state of deep meditation or altered consciousness to allow another entity or higher consciousness to speak through them. This practice has gained significant attention and popularity through […]

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The Resurgence of Collective Sound Journeys

In the tapestry of modern wellness, there is a vibrant thread weaving back through time to the ancestral practices of healing with sound. Group sound healings are becoming a sanctuary for many, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary spiritual practices to foster deep transformation. These gatherings, whether in sacred circles or expansive digital spaces, utilize the

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What is The Arcturian Healing Chamber of Light?

The Arcturian Healing Chamber of Light refers to a concept within spiritual and metaphysical circles that involves healing and spiritual advancement facilitated by beings known as the Arcturians, who are believed to be from the star system Arcturus. Here’s an overview based on information that I could gather online, but also from my own experience

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is an Arcturian Starseed?

Arcturian Starseeds are believed to embody the spiritual essence of Arcturus, bringing light, knowledge, and healing to Earth. They carry a vibration that aids in the awakening of others, helping to elevate collective consciousness. Their spiritual journey involves learning to integrate their high knowledge with Earthly existence, often finding themselves in roles that require them

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Polarian Starseed?

Polarian Starseeds are individuals believed to originate from the Polaris star system, also known as the North Star. These starseeds are considered to be unique among other types due to their distinct traits and the profound connection they share with the guiding star of the Northern Hemisphere. Polarians are seen as healers, creators, and spiritual

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Hadarian Starseed?

Hadarian starseeds are believed to be souls originating from the star system Beta Centauri, also known as Hadar, in the constellation of Centaurus. These rare starseeds are recognized for their deep connection to love, healing, and spiritual enlightenment. They are thought to be among the most compassionate and loving beings on Earth, embodying the essence

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Lemurian Starseed?

A Lemurian starseed is believed to be a soul originating from the ancient, mythical civilization of Lemuria, thought to have existed in a time before written history on Earth. These starseeds are considered to be among the oldest and wisest souls incarnated on our planet, bringing with them a deep connection to Earth’s spiritual essence

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is an Agarthan Starseed?

Agarthan starseeds are believed to be souls with origins not from outer space but from within Earth itself, specifically from a mystical realm known as Agartha, often described in esoteric and spiritual circles as an advanced civilization existing beneath the Earth’s surface. This unique type of starseed is thought to have a profound connection to

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Mintakan Starseed?

Understanding Mintakan Starseeds Mintakan Starseeds are believed to originate from the star system of Mintaka, located in the Orion constellation, specifically one of the three stars forming Orion’s Belt. These individuals are thought to be among the oldest Starseeds, with souls that have been incarnating on Earth for tens of thousands of years, bringing with

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Sirian Starseed?

Sirian Starseeds are individuals whose souls are believed to have originated from the Sirius star system, one of the brightest stars in our night sky, often referred to as the “Dog Star.” These beings are thought to have come to Earth with a specific mission to aid in humanity’s spiritual evolution and environmental stewardship. Their

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Lyran Starseed

Lyran Starseeds are souls whose origins trace back to the Lyra constellation, one of the oldest civilizations in our galaxy. They are considered the keepers of ancient wisdom, with a rich history linked to the stars Vega, in particular. Lyrans are believed to have experienced a cataclysmic war that led to their diaspora across different

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What is Light Language?

Light Language is an esoteric form of communication that transcends conventional spoken and written languages. It is often described as a vibrational or energetic language that operates on a spiritual level, bypassing the limitations of traditional linguistic structures. This language can be expressed through various modalities, including speaking, singing, drawing, or even through movement like

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is a Pleiadian Starseed?

How to Know if You Are a Pleiadian Starseed? Are you a Pleiadian Starseed? Pleiadian Starseeds are believed to have souls originating from the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, within the Taurus constellation. Key signs include a profound connection to spirituality, a deep love for nature, and a strong intuition or

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Navigating the Cosmic Awakening: Starseed Awakening Symptoms

A starseed awakening is a profound, often life-altering journey where individuals begin to recognize and embrace their soul’s origin from beyond Earth. Starseeds are believed to be souls from other planets, galaxies, or dimensions who have incarnated on Earth with a mission to elevate consciousness and assist in the planet’s spiritual evolution. This awakening process

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Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: What is an Andromedan Starseed?

Welcome to a realm where the cosmos meets the human spirit, where celestial origins shape earthly destinies. Here, on Marysol Ximenez Carrillo’s platform, we delve deep into the fascinating world of Andromedan Starseeds, souls from the Andromeda galaxy who walk among us, bringing light, wisdom, and transformation. As an Andromedan channeler and light language singer,

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