Activating your Magic with Merlin the Magician

A Cosmic Journey and high vibrational Sound Healing Transmission to ignite the spark of your Magic within


A high vibrational Sound Healing Transmission and Guided Cosmic Journey with the Master Magician Merlin to activate your own Magic within


This is the recording of my online Event Activating your Magic with Merlin the Magician on March 7th 2024.


After your purchase you will receive the link to the recording of the event and the possibility to download the mp3 file of a high quality audio recording of the cosmic journey.


After having experienced so much – as many would call it – darkness, and lower vibrations on this earth, for thousands of years, many have forgotten their true nature and their magic and power within.


In today’s world many often feel disconnected and exhausted. For many it is more about surviving than thriving.


But the time has come for us to reconnect and open ourselves up to our true nature, to that part within us, that is always
deeply connected to the non-physical, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
The part of us that can create miracles and magic in our lives.


It is up to you to reclaim your power and magic. One step at a time.
And then watch your life transform.


So whether you already feel connected to that part within and want to dive in deeper, or feel disconnected and want to reconnect and open up to your own magic within, this journey is for you.


Merlin is a Master Magician with a huge heart. He is an aspect of the Ascended Master Saint Germain.


I’ve always felt deeply connected to Saint Germain / Merlin and have been truly feeling his presence lately.


I am so excited that we will be journeying with the Master Magician to ignite that magical spark within, and he is just as thrilled to be able to gift you his Magic, Wisdom and Inspiration for this Journey of Alchemical Transformation.


During these cosmic journeys I channel healing light information, healing vibrations and light codes, that are of the highest benefit to you and the group.

I bring them into effect by intuitive singing with sounds and light language, combined with music.


These gentle, and yet powerful sounds, flow deep into your body and being, open up deep levels within you and support the healing process of the guided, cosmic journey.



sound healing



During this event you have the possibility to:


• meet the Master Magician Merlin

• ignite that spark of Magic within

• be part of this alchemical transfomation

• bathe in the presence and heart frequency of Merlin

• release and alchemise dense and heavy energies

• recieve magical inspiration from this Master Magicican

• open your being to your true Nature and Magic

• replenish on deep levels

• journey into the cosmos

• raise your vibration

• expand your consciousness

• deeply relax


The shift that we are experiencing on this earth right now, can be very challenging.

At the same time the possibilities of healing and transformation are greater than ever.



I highly recommend using headphones or good speakers for this event to get the best sound quality and experience of the journey.


Wishing you a magical journey full of divine alchemy and remembrance.

Much light and love,



