Clearing, Cleansing and Protection

A guided meditation to clear your physical and non-physical body and invoke energetic protection


This meditation assists you in clearing and cleansing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body, and creating three layers of protective, nourishing light around you.


There is much upheaval in the collective field.

By invoking the deeply cleansing and transformative silver-violet ray of light, this meditation helps you clear out dense energies which you may have picked up from others and/or the collective field.


It is essential that we take care not only of our physical, but also our non-physical body.


When you are truly grounded and free of energies, that are not yours to carry, you will feel lighter and it will be easier to feel and be who you truly are.


I will also create a version of this guided meditation with added Sound Healing in the coming weeks.


Für eine bessere Klangerfahrung empfehle ich es, Kopfhörer oder gute Lautsprecher zu nutzen.


Du kannst dir diese Klangheilung kostenlos auf meiner Website, auf Soundcloud oder Youtube anhören. Wenn du sie allerdings als Mp3 Datei besitzen und meine Arbeit unterstützen möchtest, kannst du sie hier erwerben. Vielen Dank.


Music and meditation created by: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo
Copyright: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo

