Healing Heart & Earth Meditation


This is a gentle, guided meditation combined with sound healing.


In the first part I invite you to open your heart on deeper levels (as much as it feels good to you today in this moment) and to just BE, to invite all aspects of your being into your sacred heart space and to open all of your being to receiving the healing light codes that flow to you in the sound healing.



In the second part you become the bridge between worlds, laying on the earth of a beautiful jungle, breathing the high vibrational light into your body, breathing it out into the earth, as you are receiveing mother earth’s healing vibrations and are being held by her love and compassion. Receive another sound healing as you breathe deeply within this space of sacred reciprocity.



Für eine bessere Klangerfahrung empfehle ich es, Kopfhörer oder gute Lautsprecher zu nutzen.



Du kannst dir diese Klangheilung kostenlos auf meiner Website, auf Soundcloud oder Youtube anhören. Wenn du sie allerdings als Mp3 Datei besitzen und meine Arbeit unterstützen möchtest, kannst du sie hier erwerben. Vielen Dank.



Music and meditation created by: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo
Copyright: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo

