The Crystal Temple of Roses

A Magical Cosmic Journey and high vibrational Sound Healing Transmission with Mary Magdalene, Goddess Isis and the sun god Horus


A high vibrational Sound Healing Transmission and Guided Cosmic Journey with Mary Magdalene, Goddess Isis and the Sun God Horus


This is the recording of my online Event The Crystal Temple of Roses from September 7th 2023.


After your purchase you will receive the link to the recording of the event and the possibility to download the mp3 file of a high quality audio recording of the cosmic journey.


During this Cosmic Journey we  journey to the beautiful Crystal Temple of Roses in the higher dimensions.


You will experience a powerful DNA-Activation and connect on deeper levels to your highest timeline, so that you may ground deeper into and align with your soul’s mission here on earth, whether you know what that is or are still searching.


You will receive a magical and healing Codes-of-Light-Transmission from the Goddess Isis and Mary Magdalene, as well as a deeply healing Solar-Light-Codes-Transmission from the Egyptian God Horus, son of Isis.


Allow yourself to bathe in beautiful cosmic rose water and invite the deeply healing vibration of the roses into your body and being.



During these Cosmic Journeys/Sound Healing Transmissions I channel healing light information, healing vibrations and light codes, that are of the highest benefit to you and the group.


I bring them into effect by intuitive singing with sounds and light language, combined with music.


These gentle, and yet powerful sounds, flow deep into your body and being, open up deep levels within you and support the healing process of the guided, cosmic journey.


sound healing



During this journey  you have the possibility to:


• replenish on deep levels

• receive powerful and healing Light-Codes-Transmissions from the Goddess Isis, Mary Magdalene and the Sun God  Horus, son of Isis

• receive a powerful DNA-Activation

• connect deeply to your highest timeline

• ground into your soul’s mission here on earth

• journey into the cosmos

• raise your vibration

• expand your consciousness

• deeply relax


The shift that we are experiencing on this earth right now, can be very challenging.

At the same time the possibilities of healing and transformation are greater than ever.



I highly recommend using headphones or good speakers for this event to get the best sound quality and experience of the journey.


Wishing you a magical journey,

much light,



