The Portal of your Sacred Heart

Divine Heart Activation 



The Portal of your Sacred Heart



A 4-week course to open, heal and activate your Sacred Heart on deeper levels, to experience more Self Love and Acceptance and to be held in a Safe, Loving, High Vibrational and Healing Space.



You can find detailed information HIER



This course was offered as a 4-week live course in December 2024.
It is now available as an On Demand Course for you to move through in your own timing and rhythm.



When purchasing this course, you will have access to all recordings of the 4 live 120 minute sessions, the Mp3 files of Sound Healing Activations, as well as the images and audio recordings of a daily card reading.


You will receive the links to 8 DropBox Folders and 4 unlisted Youtube links.



There is one folder for each week, containing the file of the video recording, one of the audio recording, as well as Sound Healings and the Guided Journeys within the live session. You can download all of these files, if you like, to your device.

You can watch all live sessions via the unlisted YouTube links as well.



There is a second folder for each week, containing the images and audio recordings for the daily card readings.

You can follow the daily card readings in the order of the course, or you may want to choose intuitively. For example, pick Week2 /Day 4 etc.

The only recommendation I have is to take the card that was picked for the last day as it is, as it brings the course to a full circle.



There was a special Winter Solstice Ceremony offered in Week 3. You can participate in this ceremony via the recording at any time in the year, for as time and space do not exist in the Quantum Space, your vibrational offering will be a part of it.


May this course serve you well and bring you much joy,
infinite love and many blessings,


