Self Love Sound Healing

A high vibrational Sound Healing to gently open your heart



Self Love Sound Healing


This is a channeled Light Language Sound Healing carrying the Vibration and Light Codes of Self Love and Compassion for yourself.


May these Light Codes of Love and Compassion for the Heart flow deep into your Sacred Heart Space and assist you in remembering your true nature, so that you may find your way back to truly loving all of who you are, bit by bit.


While singing intuitively, I let the love of Source, of the Angels, all Beings of Light surrounding me and my Higher Self flow into the sound.


The most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself.

I know how hard it can be to be kind and loving to yourself. Most tend to be rather judgemental with themselves.


But as we are shifting into a new era on this earth, opening your heart to yourself is incredibly important. It is time to truly live from the heart.


I was holding a Rhodonite Healing Crystal in my hand while singing. It is a stone of Love and Compassion for the Heart and an emotion balancer. It supports you in loving yourself.


Für die beste Klangerfahrung empfehle ich es, Kopfhörer oder gute Lautsprecher zu nutzen.


Musik und Lichtsprache komponiert und kreiert von: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo
Copyright: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo


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