Arcturian Sound Healing

Open your heart and receive this high vibrational Arcturian Sound Healing Transmission 



Arcturian Sound Healing


This is a channeled Arcturian Sound Healing – Light Language Transmission.


The Arcturians have been very present for me this year. They are true Master Healers and care deeply for us.
This sound healing carries the vibration of Arcturian Healing Light Codes.


Allow yourself to become still and breathe in the sounds and vibrations of this music, so that they may flow deep into all levels and layers of your body and being.


If you have pain or tension somewhere in your body for example , you can imagine breathing into that part of your body, to assist you in activating your self healing powers.


Or maybe you’d like to open your heart deeply and receive this music through your open heart space and into your emotional body.


Or just listen and allow yourself to be held in the loving vibration of our Arcturian family of light.
May this Sound Healing serve you well.



Für die beste Klangerfahrung empfehle ich es, Kopfhörer oder gute Lautsprecher zu nutzen.


Musik und Lichtsprache komponiert und kreiert von: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo
Copyright: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo


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