House Clearings
Clearing negative energy from a house
Not only us humans can take on energies from others, but also places can be full of dense, stuck and unpleasant energies. There are many different reasons for this.
It could be unresolved energies of things that happened there, souls that have not been able to move on, or maybe your ex has moved out and you still feel his/her energies around you and would like to cleanse these.
Or you might be moving into a new apartment or house. I would recommend cleansing the energies there before moving in.
It is all about restoring balance and creating a high vibrational space for you to feel safe and good in.
At the beginning of the session we take a few minutes to talk and I will ask you a few questions.
I then tune in to your space, and as I am guided by the spirit world, I receive images and messages, as we dive in energetically together, and I describe exactly what is happening.
After the clearing we have a few minutes to answer any remaining questions and talk about the experience if you wish.
A clearing can include:
clearing of dense energies within your house/appartment and the ground beneathe it
clearing of energies of specific people
anchoring in of light codes in the ground and your space
receiving of personal, golden, high vibrational symbols that are placed in specific places in your space
assistance of the dragon realm, light beings, angelic beings, and star brothers and sisters
raising the vibration of your space
receiving of high vibrational energy-devices for your space, which you can also work with on your own
Just ask if you have further questions and I will get back to you asap.

Make your booking
I offer my sessions worldwide over Zoom.
A session lasts 90 Minutes and  costs 155 Euros.
Feel free to contact me, should you have any questions.
Important note:
- When making a booking, you will have to agree to the terms and conditions which you can find on this page, below the booking calendar.
- Should none of the times offered be compatible with your timezone or schedule, please send me a message HERE, let me know what time zone you are in, and which days/times work best for you. I will then get back to you as soon as possible.
- Times shown are your local time zone.
When making a booking please ensure you have disabled any VPN software you may be using. - You can find many different time slots on my calendar, to make it possible for you to find a date which suits your timezone.
I facilitate max. one to two sessions per day (and only a certain amount per week). - RESCHEDULING: You can reschedule a booked session (at least 24 hours in advance).
Please understand, that if you do not show up for a booked session, and haven’t rescheduled, the entire fee is due.
Book your session here:
Terms and Conditions
I acknowledge, agree to, confirm and understand all of the following points:
I understand that Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo’s work lies in the field of energy healing, that she doesn’t give any diagnosis or medical consultation and that she is not able to prescribe medicine
I understand that Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo’s work is not a substitute for a consultation or treatment by a doctor
I understand that Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo is not liable for any kind of repercussion incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of the utilization or interpretation of the meditations/coachings/energy and sound healing
I understand that I may not show up for a session under the influence of any sort of substance (Alcohol, Marihuana, etc.)
I acknowledge that an energy healing-session may affect me physically and emotionally for a period of time after the session and I understand this to be a part of the healing process
I agree to inform Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo about any phsycolgical issues or diangosis prior to the session
I agree to pay for all sessions in advance and that otherwise a session can not take place
I undetsrand that I can reschedule a booked session, at least 24 hours in advance
I understand that if I don’t show up to a booked session, and haven’t rescheduled, the entire fee is due
I work in the field of energy healing. I don’t give any diagnosis or medical consultation and I am not able to prescribe medicine.
My work is not a substitute for a consultation or treatment by a doctor.
I am not liable for any kind of repercussion incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of the utilization or interpretation of the meditations/coachings/energy and sound healing.