Order your Personalized Sound Healing Recording
Channeled just for you
I go into resonance with you, connected with my team in spirit and my higher self, as well as with yours, also with our star brothers and star sisters, receive the light information and vibrations that are of the highest benefit to you at that moment and bring them into effect through my voice.
I also receive Light Language, which, by singing it intuitively, I let flow into your personal Sound Healing Journey.
You will then receive an MP3 file of your personal Sound Healing Recording, so that you can dive into your very own healing-vibrations anytime you feel like it.

This personalized Sound Healing Journey can open up deep levels within you and support you on your journey
Your personal Sound Healing Recording can open up deep levels within you and assist you in opening up your sacred heart space and coming into alignment with your soul.
Emotions that want to come into healing may arise.
Be assured that the energy and vibration of the Sound Healing is exactly what serves you most vibrationally at this point in your life and on your journey.
I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.
If you would like to order your personalized recording, please send me a recent picture of yourself, after making the payment. Thank you.
The price includes the channeling of the light information, light codes and healing vibrations, recording the vocals and mixing/editing.
Depending on my schedule, it can take up to 4-6 weeks for you to receive your Recording.
Price: 388 Euros
Light Language is a cosmic language that speaks to the soul and is received through the heart