Cosmic Chakra Clearing and Activation Session

ONLINE EVENT  -  A powerful Group Session to enter the Quantum Space and clear and activate your Chakras

Tuesday, 11-03-2025

Cosmic Chakra Clearing and Activation Session



I invite you to this Powerful Group Session to Clear and Activate your Chakras.


There will be a recording of the event and a download possibility of a high quality audio recording, should you not be able to be there live.


This event is a different offering than my monthly Cosmic Journey and Sound Healing Transmission Event.


I am offering this Group Session at a very affordable price of only 11.11 Euros.


After consciously entering the Quantum Space, I will guide you through the Sacred Spaces of your Chakras, your Transmission Centers, to Clear and Cleanse within them all that doesn’t serve you on the Quantum Level.



There will also be a Cosmic Quantum Activation for each of your Chakras.


I will guide you gently and use my intuitive singing voice for Cosmic Transmssions in the Qunatum Space, to assist the Clearing and Activation Process.


Radiant Beings of Light will be of assistance during this Session.


The Spirit World, my Higher Self, and the Higher Self of everyone participting (whether live or with the recording) will co-create my words of guidance and transmssions.


Be assured, that the spirit world makes sure that you receive exactly what it is that you need vibrationally in the moment of receiving these transmssions.


During the sung transmissions, I will be channeling healing light information, healing vibrations and light codes, that are of the highest benefit to you and the group, which I receive directly from the Spirit World.



As we are moving through these times, which can be quite challenging, allow yourself this time to open, breathe, let go and receive, so that your body and being may be deeply nourished and activated, in complete alignment with you and your journey at this moment.


Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo is an intuitive sound healer and energy channel.

Guided by the spirit world, she channels healing light information, vibration and light codes and brings it into effect by singing sound and light language intuitively.

She creates music for the soul, cosmic journeys and guided meditations, and offers sound and energy healing sessions worldwide, as well as online courses and events, such as cosmic journeys and sound healing transmissions.

She assists people in connecting to their sacred heart space on deep levels, coming into alignment with their soul’s essence, activating their true and sacred voice, as well as reclaiming and embodying their true power, magic and light within.

I would be honored to share this Sacred Space with you.


After booking the event you will receive a Zoom Link to access the event.

The event will be recorded and you will receive a link to the recording a day after the event.

You will also receive a download link for a high quality audio recording of the session.


I highly recommend using headphones or good speakers for this event to get the best sound quality and experience of the journey.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I will get back to you asap.

I am looking forward to this powerful Group Session with you.

Much light,


I work in the field of energy healing.
I don’t give any diagnosis or medical consultation and I am not able to prescribe medicine.
My work is not a substitute for a consultation or treatment by a doctor.

I am not liable for any kind of repercussion incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of the utilization or interpretation of the meditations/coachings/energy and sound healing.

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