Crystal Healing Chamber


Journey to a high vibrational crystal healing chamber.



Take this time to relax and replenish, to connect with your Star Brothers and Star Sisters, which join you in this healing chamber, sending their love, light and healing vibrations to you.



The crystals carry powerful codes of light, healing and tranfsormation within.



Surrender to the beautiful waves of healing light and sound and breathe in these high vibrations, into any part of your body and being that needs healing.


Sound Healing is also part of this meditation.

Breathe, open, and receive.



I highly recommend using headphones or good speakers for a better experience of the sound.



You can listen to this Sound Healing for free on my website, on Soundcloud or Youtube. But if you would like to own it as an Mp3 file and would like to support my work, you can purchase it here. Thank you.



Music and meditation created by: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo
Copyright: Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo


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