Female Ancestors Part 1

Journey, breathe, replenish, heal



Female Ancestors Part 1 – Sound Healing Transmission


This Sound Healing Transmission connects you to your female ancestors, especially the ones guiding you and those holding magical gifts and talents.


Some of these ancestors are us, or we are them, as most have incarnated into the same family-line more than once.


This Sound Healing is for both women and men, as the time has come for us all to bring our own feminine and masculine energies into balance again. It connects you to the feminine line of your ancestors, connects you to your own sacred home within yourself, to the earthy, warm energy, and calls you to surrender to your own innate knowing, to the deep waters of your soul’s magic, and to your gifts and talents.


As you surrender to this vibration, allow yourself to be held in the womb of creation, as you allow yourself more flow, ease and grace.


As I channeled and sang this Sound Healing, I felt myself standing in the jungle, barefoot on the warm earth, the smell of rain around me, deeply connected with mother earth and my divine feminine within.


There is a part 2 to this Sound Healing, which I recorded right after this one.
You can listen to them separately or back to back, in which ever order you prefer.


I highly recommend using headphones/ earbuds or good speakers to have the best experience of the sound.


You can listen to this sound healing for free on my website, on Soundcloud or Youtube. But if you would like to own this sound healing as an Mp3 file and would like to support my work, you can purchase it here. Thank you.

Watch full video on YouTube

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