Sacred Voice Activation


Sunday, 27-04-2025

Tap into your authentic expression to live and speak your truth


Dear beautiful women,


Do you wish to connect deeper to your sacred voice and bring your most authentic expression into the world?

Then you are very welcome to join us in this supportive space that we, Sónia and Marysol, will co-create for you, so that your truest essence may unfold.


If you joined us in January, we would be honored to welcome you again, as there will be new Activations and Inspirations.


Through meditation, sharing circles, throat and chakra cleansing practices, cacao ceremony and quantum voice activation, you will eventually feel more empowered than ever to reclaim your sacred voice and bring your magic even stronger into the world.


This event will be guided by Sónia and Marysol in English, although you can express yourself in German or English, whatever feels more comfortable to you!


During this workshop you will be guided deep into your inner worlds and into the portal of your sacred heart and voice.


Many still carry blockages within their throat and voice, due to traumatic experiences, as well as vows and contracts connected to many different lifetimes, which may still be active in this current lifetime.


There will be a guided meditation to heal and transform all that is ready to be released, especially within your throat chakra, so that you may connect to the space of your heart on even deeper levels, and find your free expression within your own voice.


You will experience the magical vibration and sound of beautiful singing bowls, played by Sónia, in combination with channeled singing by Marysol, as well as the power of shamanic drumming.


You will have the opportunity to feel the vibration of your own voice within your body, in any capacity and way that you wish, together with the group.


We would feel honored to share this sacred time and space with you in a circle of like minded and hearted women.


Feel free to contact us, should you have any questions.


Sónia Lua is a cacao ceremony facilitator, Hatha Yoga instructor and sound therapist.
Here to serve the frequency of Love by serving people and supporting them in transformational and empowerment processes.
Her heartfelt wish is that we all may remember and reawaken our true essence.
It is part of her mission now to support others walking the sacred journey of coming back to the wisdom within.

Through sacred plants such as cacao and blue lotus, and other healing modalities and spiritual paths including: yoga, meditation, sound healing, and non-dual tantra, she holds space for you in ceremony, rituals, classes, and workshops.

She creates spaces that allow the transformation to happen, and the remembrance of your sacred nature to unfold.


Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo is an intuitive sound healer and energy channel, and a singer/performer.

Guided by the spirit world, she channels healing light information, vibration and light codes and brings it into effect by singing sound and light language intuitively.

She creates music for the soul, cosmic journeys and guided meditations, and offers sound and energy healing sessions worldwide, as well as online events, such as cosmic journeys and sound healing transmissions.

She assists people in connecting to their sacred heart space on deep levels, coming into alignment with their soul’s essence and reclaiming and embodying their true power, sacred voice, magic and light within.


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