The Portal of your Sacred Heart

Divine Heart Activation

A 4-week On Demand Course with Marysol, Goddess Quan Yin, Ascended Masters,

The Council of the Green Diamond, and our Star Family,

to open, heal and activate your Sacred Heart on deeper levels,

to experience more Self Love and Acceptance

and to be held in a Safe, Loving, High Vibrational

and Healing Space.


Allow yourself this time in this beautiful, safe and sacred space,
to move deeper into your Heart and Being, to release what is no longer needed,
and welcome in the New by creating and opening a Magical Portal
within your Cosmic Heart.
“My heartfelt thanks to you,
for your wise, loving and inspiring
guidance as we each weave
the tapestry
of our Golden Future.
What a glorious card,
one that so expresses the essence
of this glorious,
Soul inspiring course.
Blessings and love.”


– Andrea I. from UK
 “Thank you for opening this
door of opportunity in your
most heartfelt
and gifted way.
I appreciate
and value all the interwoven
contributions that made
your 1st course
so memorable.”


– Ann D. from NC, USA
“Thank you Marysol, for this 
amazingly beautiful course, 
and allowing us all to co-create, 
learn, clear and advance 
in our journeys. 
What a joyous card to finish on, 
my heart is filled up with your beautiful words and blessings. 
I have so enjoyed these daily, 
uplifting readings. 
These past weeks have been truly magical, thank you.”


– Sue T.-C. from UK
This course was offered as a 4-week live course in December 2024.
It is now available as an On Demand Course for you to move through in your own timing and rhythm.


Whether you were there live or are tuning in at a later date, you are part of the group field, as there is no time in the Quantum Field, and at the time of transmission, the quantum space is fully aware of everyone who will ever tune in, no matter when that may be.


When purchasing this course, you will have access to all recordings of the 4 live 120 minute sessions, the Mp3 files of Sound Healing Activations, as well as the images and audio recordings of a daily card reading.
You will receive the links to 8 DropBox Folders and 4 unlisted Youtube links.


There is one folder for each week, containing the file of the video recording, one of the audio recording, as well as Sound Healings and the Guided Journeys within the live session. 

You can download all of these files, if you like, to your device. 

You can watch all live sessions via the unlisted YouTube links as well. 

There is a second folder for each week, containing the images and audio recordings for the daily card readings.


You can follow the daily card readings in the order of the course, or you may want to choose intuitively. For example, pick Week2 /Day 4 etc.

The only recommendation I have is to take the card that was picked for the last day as it is, as it brings the course to a full circle. 


There was a special Winter Solstice Ceremony offered in Week 3.
You can participate in this ceremony via the recording at any time in the year, for as time and space do not exist in the Quantum Space, your vibrational offering will be a part of it. 

“I am still basking in Marysol’s The Portal of Your Sacred Heart series —
the gifts of upliftment, release, and healing are still coursing through my body, mind, and spirit.
I was not able to listen “live” when it was first offered, but as we know, it is “live” for us whenever we listen.

My heart is full from the gifts of Marysol’s extraordinary generosity,
and every re-listen takes me to a new place of insight and wonder.
Thank you with all my heart! In gratitude,”


Katie C. from MA, USA

This course is for you, if you:

  • are ready for a Deeper Connection with your Sacred Heart Space, Soul and Source
  • desire more Flow, Ease and Grace in your life
  • are longing to release more of your limiting patterns and beliefs, which keep you from Truly Living from your Heart
  • would like to experience more Self Love and Acceptance
  • are experiencing self doubt / self judgement
  • are ready to expand your Sacred Heart, in service to the Highest Good of All
  • wish to Heal and Transform anything that may still be heavy on your heart
  • wish for Support during these Times of Deep Transformation and Change
  • wish to Integrate more Aspects of your Being into your Heart Space
  • would like to dive deep into your Connection and Communication with your Guides, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light
  • would like to feel the Magic of a Loving and Kind Group Field
  • are Longing for Rest and Replenishment for Mind, Body and Soul

What you will gain from this course:

  • A deeper connection to your Heart, your Soul and all Aspects of your Being
  • A release of stuck and dense energies, which don’t serve you
  • Seeing yourself in a New Way and Light
  • Feeling seen, heard and loved for Who You Truly Are
  • Courage to be more of Who You Truly Are
  • a Deeper Understanding of what it means to Truly Live from your Heart
  • A Deep Transformation on the Energetic Level
  • A Returning to and deepening of your Connection to your Divine Home within
  • A deeper connection to your Guides and Team in Spirit
  • The release of limiting patterns and beliefs

What you will receive during the course:

  • 4 Recordings of the Live Online Sessions, each one approx. 120 minutes
  • Lifetime access to all recordings of the Live Sessions
  • Recorded Sound Healing Transmissions as Mp3 files to download and support you every day of this course and beyond
  • A Safe Space for the entire duration of the course, in the Higher Dimensions
  • Guided, Cosmic Journeys
  • Sound Healing Transmissions
  • exploring certain topics, all connected to the „Way of the Heart“
  • Healing and Activating Light Codes of Light and Sound
  • Channeled Messages from Ascended Masters, The Council of the Green Diamond and other Beings of Light
  • Excercises to support your Journey of Living from your Heart
  • A daily message and picking of an Oracle Crd
  • A special Winter Solstice Session, with a clearing by our special guest Patrice Krysztofiak, a Medical Medium and Energy Channeler

Added Bonus:

When purchasing this course you will receive a coupon for a free recording of a past Cosmic-Journey-Sound Healing-Event of your choice (there many to choose from).
You will have access to the video recording as well as receive the download link for an Mp3 of a high quality audio recording of the Cosmic Journey.
Just use the Coupon Code that will be sent to you after your purchase.
sound healing

WEEK 1: Opening and Entering the Portal of your Sacred Heart

At the beginning of the session the space will be opened together with the Goddess Quan Yin, Goddess of Love, Mercy and Compassion.

You will be held in this loving and high vibrational space throughout the entire duration of the course.


During this 1st session you will be gently and lovingly guided into the sacred space of your heart.

You will receive a deep clearing for anything concerning your heart space, that is ready to be cleared, healed and transformed in this moment.


The clearing will be effective in the Quantum Field, also connected to past/parallel lives.

I will be speaking about „the Way of the Heart“: What it truly means to open your Heart and to live from it, and what may be keeping you from doing so.


You will be guided on a Cosmic, Inner Journey together with Quan Yin, your Star Family, Higher Self and Team in Spirit.

During this Journey you will receive powerful and at the same time soothing Sound Healing Transmissions, as I sing sounds and Light Language intuitively to music.

The Sound Healing Transmissions contain light codes, specifically for you.

Everyone in the group will receive the codes they need.

Whether you were there live or are tuning in at a later date, you are part of the group field, as there is no time in the Quantum Field, and at the time of transmission, the quantum space is fully aware of everyone who will ever tune in, no matter when that may be.


You will received a channeled message from Goddess Quan Yin as well as a Sound Healing Transmission.


There will be exercises to connect deeper and communicate with the Portal of your Sacred Heart.

You will receive a recorded Cosmic Heart Sound Healing Transmissions and Activation as an Mp3 file to deepen your experience throughout the week.

You will be given inspirations and excercises for the week, which will not be too time consuming and doable in everyday life.

What you'll receive and experience in Week 1:

  • Recording of the live online session (approx. 120 minutes):
  • Opening of your Sacred Heart
  • Heart Space Clearing in the Quantum Field
  • Guidance and Channeled Message from Goddess Quan Yin
  • A Guided Cosmic, Inner Journey
  • Sound Healing Transmissions and Activations, sung live
  • Talk about „The Way of the Heart“
  • writing exercise
  • Recorded, Channeled Sound Healing to download as an Mp3 file for the week ahead
  • Inspirations and exercises for the week
  • A daily short message and Oracle Card Reading

WEEK 2: Embracing who you truly are

During this second session Goddess Quan Yin will still be holding space for the group.


Ascended Master Saint Germain and Master Magician Merlin (they are of the same being/origin) will also be joining us for this session of true divine alchemy.


This session is about opening your heart to all aspects of your being.


The parts of you that feel light-filled, blissful, but also the ones that may feel dark, heavy, uncomfortable or painful.

All aspects of you will be held in a safe and loving space.


I will speak about where these different aspects come from, how to interact with them and how to embrace more of who you truly are, as well as about feeling the need to fit in, or make it right for others, while neglecting your own boundaries and needs.


I will be sharing a bit about the „dark night of the soul“ and inner battles I experienced.


You will be taken on a guided Cosmic Journey with Sound Healing Transmissions, with Saint Germain, Merlin and other Beings of Light, to bring healing, transformation and activations to all aspects of your being, within the Quantum Field, connected to any past/parallel lives that are relevant.


You will receive a channeled message from Sant Germain and Merlin.


You will receive a new recorded Cosmic Heart Sound Healing Transmission and Activation as an Mp3 file to deepen your experience throughout the week.

You will be given inspirations and excercises for the week, which will not be too time consuming and doable in everyday life.

What you'll receive and experience in Week 2:

  • Recording of the live online session (approx. 120 minutes):
  • Opening to all aspects of your being
  • Guidance and channeled message from Ascended Master Saint Germain and Master Magician Merlin
  • Talk about the different aspects of your being, as well as inner battles and the dark night of the soul
  • Talk about how to embrace more of who you truly are
  • A Guided Cosmic, Inner Journey with Beings of Light
  • Sound Healing Transmissions and Activations, sung live
  • writing exercise
  • Channeled Sound Healings to download as Mp3s for the week ahead
  • Inspirations and exercises for the week
  • A daily short message and Oracle Card Reading

WEEK 3: The Expansion of your Cosmic Heart

A special Winter Solstice Session

This session will be a very special and powerful one, as it takes place on the day of the Winter Solstice.


You can participate in this ceremony via the recording at any time in the year, for as time and space do not exist in the Quantum Space, your vibrational offering will still be a part of it. 


Many beautiful and radiant Beings of Light, our Star Family and many others, will be joining us.

We will use the high vibrations of this Portal, so that you may move even deeper into your Sacred Heart and Being, in deep connection with your Soul and Source.


There will be a Sacred Solstice Ceremony for the group, which will also serve the collective field of Humanity and Mother Earth.

The incredible Medical Medium and Energy Channeler Patrice Krysztofiak will also be joining us and offer a deep clearing for the group.


I’ve been working together with Patrice for quite a while now, in group and 1:1 sessions, and have experienced truly magical things in happening.

We will be serving as a bridge between worlds, connected to the Cosmic Heartbeat, to send Powerful and Sacred Medicine of the Heart and of light into the Unified Field of Creation and All That Is.


You will be guided on a Cosmic Journey with Sound Healing Transmissions to expand the space of your Cosmic Heart.


More Ascended Masters and Beings of Light will joining us on this journey.


You will receive a channeled Message of the Council of the Green Diamond, a collective of beings of the highest light and resonance, which guide me and allow me to channel their messages.


You will receive a new recorded Cosmic Heart Sound Healing Transmission and Activation as an Mp3 file to deepen your experience throughout the week.

You will be given inspirations and excercises for the week, which will not be too time consuming and doable in everyday life.

What you'll receive and experience in Week 3:

  • Recording of the live online session (approx. 120 minutes):
  • A special Winter Solstice Session with a Sacred Ceremony
  • A deep Clearing with the Medical Medium Patrice Krysztofiak
  • Channeled message from The Council of the Green Diamond
  • Talk about the Cosmic Origin of your being
  • Serving as a Bridge Between Worlds
  • A Guided Cosmic, Inner Journey with Beings of Light
  • Sound Healing Transmissions and Activations, sung live
  • Channeled Sound Healing to download as an Mp3 for the week ahead
  • Inspirations and exercises for the week
  • A daily short message and Oracle Card Reading

WEEK 4: Coming Home

In this 4th Session we will again be accompanied by many radiant Beings of our Star Family, Ascended Masters, your Team in Spirit and your Ancestors.


This session is about experiencing the Home within you.

That place deep within, which is free of judgement, doubt and worry, and holds the frequency and vibration of your Soul’s Essence.


The group field will be opened on deep levels, by the support of the beings of light, so that you may feel safe to journey deep into your own Being and Heart-Space.


You will be guided on a Cosmic Journey with Sound Healing Transmissions to receive deep Soul-Codes and Source-Codes in a space in the Higher Dimensions.


The journey will also take you into the space of your Higher Heart and you will receive a Sound Healing for this.

There will be a clearing and healing process to find Self-Forgiveness, if needed in your life.

You will receive another channeled message from Goddess Quan Yin and The Council of the Green Diamond.


I will talk about what the Home within you truly is and why so many feel disconnected from it, as well as the shifts we are moving through at this time.


You will receive a new recorded Cosmic Heart Sound Healing Transmission and Activation as an Mp3 file to deepen your experience for the weeks to come, for as long as it serves you.

What you'll receive and experience in Week 4:

  • Recording of live online session (approx. 120 minutes):
  • Experience the Home within you
  • A Guided Cosmic, Inner Journey into the Space of your Heart and Higher Heart
  • Channeled message from Goddess Quan Yin and The Council of the Green Diamond
  • Talk about what the Home within you truly is and the shift we are experiencing at this time
  • Sound Healing Transmissions and Activations, sung live
  • Channeled Sound Healing to download as an Mp3 for the weeks ahead
sound healing

Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo is an intuitive sound healer and energy channel, and a singer/performer.


Guided by the spirit world, she channels healing light information, vibration and light codes and brings it into effect by singing sound and light language intuitively.


She creates music for the soul, cosmic journeys and guided meditations, and offers sound and energy healing sessions worldwide, as well as online events, such as cosmic journeys and sound healing transmissions.


She assists people in connecting to their sacred heart space on deep levels, coming into alignment with their soul’s essence and reclaiming and embodying their true power, magic and light within.


You can read more about Marysol’s story here:

“Thank you, Marysol, for these amazing 4 weeks,
the daily guidance and love you have been dedicating to this group. 

The tools you have provided us (recordings, clearings and transmissions)
we can apply whenever needed again.

I feel the path you helped us to wander is stable,
and even though 3D circumstance might tickle us again and again,
we have developed a stable ground, healing and loving street map
to always come back to and evolve daily even more in this adventure of transformation.

I am deeply moved when writing this and my heart is overflowing with love!
Blessings, sun and love. Eternal gratitude!”


– Silvia S. from Paraguay
Your Investment:


444 Euros
  • Includes the recordings of 4 live sessions (approx. 120 minutes each), with life time access and the possibility to download
  • Sound Healing Transmissions recorded in studio quality for you to download as Mp3 files and keep
  • A daily message and picking of an Oracle Card 
Should you have any questions, please email me HERE
and I will respond asap.



I work in the field of energy healing. I don’t give any diagnosis or medical consultation and I am not able to prescribe medicine. My work is not a substitute for a consultation or treatment by a doctor.

May this course serve you well and bring you deep joy, healing and transformation.


Much love and many blessings,
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